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Go Where The Others Won’t Go

Have you ever watched someone learning to ice skate? Perhaps you’ve been there too?

When people are starting out, hopelessly uncoordinated and a bit scared they do what all the other fearful learners do, they cling to the sides for dear life. It feels a little safer there in amongst the pack. Not standing out, but blending in.

The thing is it’s probably the worst place to be. The spot where there is no room to maneuver. The place that feels safer but actually isn’t, where there is every chance that someone will skate over fingers, or take the others down with them when they fall.

No, the best place to start is more likely away from the pack where the more confident skaters are. There’s just more room to move there. Perhaps more room for error too, and that’s what scares everyone. But there’s also more room for growth. More room to spread your wings and fly.

Most SEO company websites look and feel the same. Most florists sell exactly the same flowers, wrapped in slightly different paper. Most gyms have the similar training schedules. And most real estate agents run the same adverts.

If there’s a formula that looks like it’s working we’re happy to follow it.

Most people don’t take the risk of going where everyone else isn’t. That’s why it’s the best place to be.

Image by Marcovdz.