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Articles filed in: Storytelling
Tiny Markets Of Someone
filed in Marketing, Storytelling, Strategy
Mr Ryan owned a corner shop in the tiny Dublin suburb where I grew up. It supported his family and employed his children while they studied for over 20 years. He didn’t seem to worry when yet another big supermarket opened close by. Sure, he knew some of his customers would go there for special offers, but he also knew that he wasn’t after the ‘market of everyone’. He didn’t need everyone to keep going, he just needed to matter to enough people, by doing things the big guys couldn’t do.
When industry and innovation became very focused on the metric of more, we lost sight of the fact that more wasn’t always the best place to start. And then ironically the Internet, which could help us to reach everyone, made us realise that there were ‘tiny markets of someone’. As Seth Godin pointed out in a recent and brilliant (as always) talk the bell curve has melted. Not only is there no longer a mass market, but most of the successful companies, game-changing innovations and products and services we care about were designed to cater for people at the edges.
How did a tiny yogurt company compete with industry giants who had twenty times their budget and controlled two-thirds of the market? In five years, Chobani went from having almost no revenue to selling a predicted $1 billion worth of yogurt in 2013. They started at the edges, doing things the bigger brands were not prepared to do, for people that wanted difference.
Airbnb went from appealing to people at the edges (who would want to share a stranger’s apartment?), to having over 300,000 listings worldwide in 33,000 cities and booking 10 million nights in 192 countries within 5 years.
Method entered the household cleaner market which was dominated by big players like P&G, and differentiated at the edges on results, safety, sustainability, design, and scent. The company achieved over 500% growth in just 3 years.
Can you name any brand that’s gained loyalty, love and traction over the past decade that didn’t begin at the edges? Red Bull, Facebook, zipcar, TED, Kickstarter, Instagram, Spanx, Starbucks, Warby Parker, Zappos, Kindle, Innocent, PayPal, TaskRabbit, Green & Blacks, even Amazon and Apple didn’t begin by targeting the market of everyone.
The truth is that ‘the masses’ don’t want to feel like ‘the masses’. They want to discern. To choose. To be seen. To matter. Your customers don’t want to be just anyone, they want to be someone.
Image by erban.
The Best Brands Are Mirrors
filed in Marketing, Storytelling, Strategy
The genius of the ‘Dove Sketches’ campaign wasn’t that it highlighted the issues women have around body image and beauty, it was that it held a mirror up to every one of us. It tapped into our collective vulnerability on a visceral level.
Brands like Dove, Instagram, Harley-Davidson, Virgin, Nike, Moleskine, Dyson, Brene Brown, Apple, Tiffany, Airbnb, Red Bull, my BodyPump instructor Duane and your local organic butcher, shift our perception about what’s possible for us. The real reason we come back to them again and again has less to do with how well they work and more to do with the way they change how we feel by degrees.
The best brands reflect our potential back to us. They resonate with us not necessarily because they sell the best products, but because they help us to see the best in ourselves.
Image by Ivana Vasilj.
Want To Make And Impact? Just Add Context
filed in Marketing, Storytelling, Strategy
The path to success is littered with great ideas that don’t fly.
Even a good idea won’t catch on if people don’t see the value in it.
It’s not enough to have an idea that might change everything, you have to find a way to help people buy into it.
The truth is it doesn’t matter how good your idea is if nobody cares.
Here’s the equation.
The value is not in the innovation, the information, the platform or the app. The value is in the meaning it enables people to create for themselves.
So don’t just make, find ways to make people matter.
Image by Suizilla.
The Competition Isn’t Your Competition
filed in Marketing, Storytelling, Strategy
Bread Society is a beautiful artisan bakery in Singapore (the website doesn’t do it justice). At the back of the store the bakers roll, and knead and prove in full view, whilst just in front an assistant packages delectable breads. Self serve cabinets filled with Chocolate Melon Brioche, Honey Lemon Danish and Sundried Tomato Bagels are lit from above by glass chandeliers. It’s an experience from start to finish and a story we want to tell.
But the company doesn’t want us to share it. When one of my boys tried to take a photo he was politely informed that photography wasn’t allowed. We’d missed the sign in the window.
Why go to all the trouble of telling a great story, and creating a fantastic experience only to stop the best marketing you could ever dream of from filtering out?
If you’ve created a brand story worth sharing why worry about the competition?
A secret sauce is worthless without people who care about what you do and why you do it. Your mission then isn’t to prevent your idea being copied or stolen, it’s to find a way to matter.
The bigger concern for any business now is not the competition, it’s obscurity.
Image by Robyn Lee.
The Most Powerful Person In The World
filed in Storytelling
During the summer of 1994 while on a lunch break at his new company NeXT, Steve Jobs struck up a conversation with some of his team in the lunch room about power. Here’s what he told them.
“The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller.
The storyteller sets the vision, values and agenda of an entire generation that is to come.”
Of course Steve went on to tell great stories at both Pixar and Apple, by nailing things that his competitors didn’t think to care about, like changing how it felt to unbox a product.
The exciting part for you and your ideas is that story doesn’t discriminate, you don’t need the biggest marketing budget to be able to tell a great true story.
You just need to decide that it’s what you want to do, then go do it.
How are you shaping the world that’s to come?
Thanks to Tomas Higbey for sharing a great story.
Image by Camillo Miller.
10 Things A Brand Does
filed in Marketing, Storytelling, Strategy
A brand…..
1. Creates meaning around your product or service.
2. Determines what you sell, where and when.
3. Dictates the price range you can sell at.
4. Influences the kind of customers you can sell to.
5. Changes how people feel about commodities.
6. Sets expectations.
7. Affects the kind of staff you can attract.
8. Demonstrates your values.
9. Shapes business models.
10.Enables loyalty, connection, belonging and love.
Image by Pedro.