Freedom Is Something You Make

When I was growing up (and maybe when you were too), there were two ways you could earn a living. You could have a job, or have a business. Two clear choices, work for a boss, or be the boss. Career guidance advice went something like this… “Get good grades, to get a qualification, to…

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What Successful People Don’t Do In The Morning…

…or in the evening, or even on weekends. They don’t look for someone else’s secret sauce on a “what successful people do” list, even if there are 730 million search results to tell them how it’s done. It’s easy to confuse other people’s solutions for your answers. You don’t have to be defined by what’s…

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The 11 Whys Of Product Development

In my work with companies, entrepreneurs and businesses of all stripes, here’s what I’ve found. We mostly get stuck not because we don’t know the right answer, but because we haven’t begun to ask the right questions. Here’s a handy list of questions to ask before you bring your product, service or idea to market.…

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Why You’re Stuck And The Perils Of Peer Gazing

There’s so much cool stuff ‘out there’. So many great ideas already being brought to market. And plenty of people who have done the things (or similar), that you want to do. The trouble is you can’t find a way to stop marveling and being just a teeny bit overawed by them. The Internet has…

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Hedging Is Risky

Have ever been scared to share more about what you stand for? Concerned about opening up about who you really are on your website? Anxious that the products and services you offer might put some people off? You’re not alone. One of the greatest challenges entrepreneurs feel keenly is the fear of scaring people off.…

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What Versus Why

My middle son left school this year and here’s the question everyone asks him. “What do you want to do?” I bet it’s a question you’ve been asked too at one time or another. My seventeen year old tells people he wants to study either architecture or design, and then that he’s off to Billund…

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Anyone Could Have Done It

Anyone could have written that book. Had this idea. Made that project work. Pulled this off. The thing is they didn’t. That most people don’t. And you’re not just anyone. Image by Alexander Kesselaar.

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How To Get To Do The Things You Want To Do

The best way, the only way in fact, to get from where you are to where you want to be is to begin. You get to do what you want to do by doing it. Maybe not all day every day at first, but it’s easier than ever now to start. Decide what you want…

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When Will You Draw The Line?

When my mother left school aged just 14 she was sent to the Royal Candy sweet factory, to dip caramel by hand into big vats of icing, (pink or white). On the evening of her first day she told her widowed mother (who was raising 11 children single-handed), that she hated it and she wasn’t…

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If Only You Could Write Like Malcolm Gladwell

WANTED “A professional writer talented in non-fiction storytelling with a passion for the topics of startups, social entrepreneurship, cutting-edge science and technology, and the psychology of the crowd, capable of crafting non-fiction pieces that are captivating and massively popular (think Freakonomics or The Tipping Point) Location: Los Angeles or telecommute To apply: provide your resume…

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