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10 Rules For Writing A Compelling ‘About Me’ Page

Your about page is one of the most visited pages on your website. It’s the place where prospective customers decide if you’re right for them, and your best chance to convert more website visits to enquiries and more enquiries to customers. That’s why your about page copy is the most important sales copy you’ll ever write.

How To Write A Compelling About Page

1. Know who you’re talking to.

Customer insight is your superpower. You are at your most persuasive when you understand your customer’s unmet needs. Your about page copy should reflect that.

2. Don’t just lead with the facts.
Facts alone don’t persuade. People want to hear your story. Make your website a window, not a wall.

3. Share your values.
Tell people who you are and what you believe.

4. Show yourself.
Build trust by adding a professional photo to your bio and about page. People buy from people. Your potential clients want to see the person behind the business.

5. Tell the story of your professional journey.
Share how you got to where you are today. Help your website visitors to understand how you know what you know.

6. Tell people how you can help them.
Be specific, add links to products and services.

7. Demonstrate how you’ve provided solutions for others.
Link to your portfolio, projects or client case studies.

8. Help people to understand the benefits of working with or buying from you.
Add client testimonials and stories about how you work.

9. Add calls to action and a contact link.
Your about page should not only provide information and build trust, but it must also call potential clients to take action.

10. Don’t make it all about you.
Think about why you’re writing your about page in the first place and how you want the reader to feel when she’s done reading it.

*Bonus* Write like you speak.
Sometimes in our attempt to sound professional, we use words that distance us from prospective customers. The goal is to build trust and to stand out by being and sounding like who you are. Avoid the jargon that everyone else uses at all costs!

Get the guide that’s helped hundreds of business owners to write an about page that works.

The About Page Guide

Examples of About Pages That Work

Go-To Skincare
It’s clear that the company’s founder Zoe has spent time getting to know her audience. Every word on this about page says, ‘I see you’ to the reader.

James Clear
James tells readers exactly what they are going to get, and his home page is one of the best examples of an email sign up embedded in an about page that I’ve seen. He not only tells people what to expect, but he also shows them what to do using great calls to action.

Warby Parker
They know that the about page is the start of a conversation and a huge part of their marketing strategy—it shows.

Michael Hyatt
Michael informs the reader about what they can expect to learn from him and the value he creates for his audience.
He builds trust in several great ways, using photos, information about his professional and personal life, achievements and subscriber numbers.

A great example of an about page that communicates purpose builds trust and helps a prospective customer to know what to do next with calls to action.

If you’re a camera company what better way to tell your story than to use video.

Your about page is a key part of your marketing strategy. Don’t waste this opportunity to connect with your prospective customers.


Ready to get your about page working for you?

Get the About Page guide.


Image by Looking 4 Poetry

Working On Forever

Do you remember Fran who booked regular sessions and always opened your newsletter updates? Or Jean who stopped by on her way to work every day for a skinny latte? How about Jo who religiously shared your blog posts and Mark who sent design clients your way? Have you seen or heard much from them lately?

They were probably the kind of customers, followers and evangelists who didn’t spend a fortune or sign up to your top level coaching program. But they and others like them became your bread and butter over time. Maybe you took them for granted when they were there, but you miss them now they’re gone.

While you are busy building your business it’s easy to forget that no customer is forever. And yet forever is what you should be working on.

Forever takes patience, insight and leaving your ego at the door. Forever is being human, walking in your client’s shoes and understanding what they want before they know it themselves. Forever means failing, apologising and getting it right next time. Forever comes from creating connection and moments of joy in every interaction. Sometimes forever means treating different customers differently.

Forever is remembering that there are five other cafes in the same street and 34 million search results for ‘life coach’ in Google. Forever means working out what you could be doing better.

How are you working on forever?

Image by Jade Nazareth.