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Listen To Your Outliers

Not all women love to shop. I am one such woman. So when I fall in love with a product, they’ve got me for life. That’s just one more decision I don’t have to make in the store.

Glasshouse is a product I fell in love with years ago. Their fragrances are amazing, an indulgence. A while back they added a beautiful box to their packaging. It’s so beautiful that it’s impossible to throw away, so last week because the boxes are piling up I gave them a call. I wanted to know if they had a way for customers to send the boxes back so that they could recycle them. After a bit of flustering from the receptionist (they clearly don’t get raving fans calling every day), she took my number and promised to have the customer service person call me back.

I’m still waiting.

Whatever you produce or sell (even if that thing is you), please, please listen to your outliers. Treat the 1 in 10,000, who actually goes to the trouble of picking up the phone and calling you like gold dust. They are. Do whatever it takes to keep them talking. Listen to what they have to say. Watch what they do. Don’t ever let these opportunities pass you by. Because in a world where loyalty is precious and fleeting your outliers are a gift to be treasured.

Image by JB London.