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Why We Have A Hard Time Communicating Value

No self-respecting (or smart) cafe owner would describe his drip-filter coffee as 85% boiling water. Instead he tells the origin story of the coffee beans and the slow pour-over brewing process that augments the flavour. The barista creates retail theatre while you wait in line.
We all know that the line is also part of the $4 coffee story.

We witness great brand storytelling every day and yet we still find it hard to communicate value to our customers.
Here are three reasons why.

3 Mistakes we make when communicating the value of our products

1. Starting in the wrong place.
We get hung up on explaining why we’re different before understanding what matters to the customer.

2. Leading with the facts and only communicating tangible value.

We describe features and benefits to justify the sticker price. This only serves to reduce products and services to the sum of their commoditised parts.

3. Overlooking that people buy with their hearts AND their heads.

We need to appeal to both.

Value is best communicated when it’s designed to be believed, not just described.

Image by Roland Tanglao.