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The Characteristics Of Beloved Brands

Earlier this week Bob Lefsetz wrote the following line in a post about Elon Musk;
“We know greatness when we see it, we clamor for it. We want to get closer to it.”

We also want to emulate it—to understand the qualities and characteristics that elevate certain leaders, businesses and brands above the rest. Analyse any brand that garners loyalty and love and you’ll find they all have these things in common.

The Characteristics Of Beloved Brands

Only five…

1. A muse.
Someone with a particular worldview, a desire, need or problem that they care about creating a difference for.

2. A visionary leader(s) who acts as a sherpa.

An individual (or a group), who knows what change they want to create in the world, and who stands up and says follow me.

3. A purpose.

A common vision.

4. A team with passion and skill who believe on executing on the vision.
People who will take the people they serve where they want to go.

5. A great product or service that marries the worldview, wants and needs of the muse with the company’s vision and purpose.
It turns out that great products are born from caring about the people they are for.

Image by Wendell.