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From Awareness To Loyalty

The purpose of your brand story and of every piece of marketing material is to move a prospective customer from awareness to loyalty.

When we imagine the customer decision journey as a timeline it’s clear that we need to treat customers differently according to where they are on that journey.


1. Awareness -> 2. Familiarity -> 3. Consideration -> 4. Purchase -> 5. Affinity -> 6. Loyalty

It jars when we get an overseas call offering web design services for a domain purchased a week ago out of the blue. That’s because the web design company failed to see the need to start at the beginning of the customer decision journey. They don’t take us any further along that journey because they’ve skipped the first three steps. Our loyalty is forever lost to them.

It turns out that marketing isn’t just about being seen and understood.
It’s about seeing in order to understand. That takes time and care and skill.
You have the opportunity to devote all of that.
How are you making sure you don’t skip any of the important steps?

Image by Jon Baglo.