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Why Fascinate?— An Interview With Sally Hogshead

If you haven’t read Fascinate by Sally Hogshead go out and grab yourself a copy. In the book Sally explains how fascination plays a role in every type of decision making, from the brands you choose to the songs you remember, from the person you marry to the employees you hire. And by activating the right triggers (there are seven), you can make anything become fascinating, including you.

You can take Sally’s {F}SCORE test to discover your triggers and learn more about how to fascinate.

I had the huge pleasure of speaking to Sally last week, no mean feat, she’s one of the most in demand keynote speakers on the planet). Sally answered some of the questions I’ve been dying to ask her for six months and talked about how we can use our own metrics to differentiate.

So why do we need to fascinate?
Have we forgotten how to be fascinating?
And is being fascinating really a choice?

Image by Sharon Sperry Bloom.