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Want To Vs. Have To

The famous fashion designer doesn’t have to pay a fair wage to the workers in the Indian village, who hand bead the $600 dresses she sells to affluent Melburnians. Her customers would never know—and yet she does.

The busy graphic designer doesn’t have to make suggested improvements to the slide deck he’s working on. His client will be quite happy with the original version—and yet he does.

The tired call centre operator doesn’t have to hold while the customer rummages through his records for the receipt he’s clearly lost. She could keep working to time and towards her performance indicators—and yet she does.

The tram driver doesn’t have to get out of his seat to help the elderly lady lift her heavy shopping up the steps. That’s not in his job description—and yet he does. Then a passer-by gives him an ovation from the street and yells, “well done driver”. The driver grins and everyone on the tram smiles at the reciprocal generosity and joy.

We each have hundreds of tiny choices to make every day. How we choose changes everything about who we are and what the world perceives—not just about us as individuals, but about our businesses and the world we are creating together.

What did you do today for money? What did you do for love?

Image by Garry Knight.