How To Reach Your Customers

Here’s how our customer’s time was spent across the various media platforms in 2015. Print 4% Radio 13% TV 36% Internet 22% Mobile 25% Here’s where we spent our dollars trying to reach them. Print 16% Radio 10% TV 39% Internet 23% Mobile 12% While we’re spending money in places where fewer of our customers…

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Making Things People Want

We are buying fewer pairs of jeans and more yoga pants, eating less gluten and more coconut oil. Trends are not simply a shift in behaviour, they are a sign of a change in the story we want to believe about ourselves. When you develop a product, service or platform it’s not enough to consider…

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The New Consumer Relationship

In the days before self-service shopping and before every home had a fridge, the responsibility for daily grocery shopping fell to women. The consumer was someone who came to passively buy what was on offer. While a 1955 focus group could persuade Birdseye to make fish fingers from cod rather than herring—that was where the…

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