One Chance

How would things be different and better if we acted as if every chance to do the right thing was our first, last or only one?

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Who Do You Want To Be To Whom?

The key question for all of us, no matter what business we’re in, is who do we want to be to whom? When we lose sight of who we’re in business to serve, and why we lose more than our competitive advantage. We lose the heart and soul of our business.

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How Obstacles Create Value

The better we understand the obstacle, the better we get at solving the problem. And the better we can describe the obstacle, the better we become at selling the solution.

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Shame About The Weather

Some people have no choice but to pay attention to the weather. Pilots, fishers and farmers must make allowances for the state of the atmosphere on any given day. But for most of us, the weather isn’t a problem, unless we believe and declare it to be. And yet, we allow our thoughts about the…

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Planned Progress

If you’re going to build the business you want, then you must be intentional about how you’re going to do it. There is no such thing as accidental progress.

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