Posts Tagged ‘promises’
Promises Worth Keeping
While I was out walking this weekend I came across a sign on a shop door detailing the opening times. It read: MONDAYS—probably TUESDAYS-probably WEDNESDAYS—probably not sure Not SURE! THURSDAYS—OPEN FRIDAYS—OPEN SATURDAYS—OPEN SUNDAYS—OPEN MAY BE LATER FOR OPENING (SORRY! LIFELONG HABIT) BUT TRYING FOR 3 PM-9 PM It’s easy for a sometimes probably, to become…
Read MoreIn Time
You don’t know for sure that the broccoli at the local organic store was grown sustainably or without pesticides, but you trust that it was and you’re happy to pay more for it. You have no proof that like the label says the bread gluten-free until long after you’ve eaten it, but you don’t question…
Read MoreA World Built On Promises
Scott and Joanna are planning to open a two-hundred-seater restaurant along a small shopping strip that backs onto a residential area in their local suburb. They know the neighbours will be concerned about the prospect of increased traffic and noise from the venue, especially at the weekend when they open until 1 am. So they…
Read MoreA World Built On Promises
Today you woke in a bed the manufacturer promised would give you a good nights sleep. You ate something for breakfast that was made in a factory you have never visited or grown by someone you have never met. You belted yourself into a car with a safety rating you have no way of verifying…
Read MoreThe Value Of Fixing The Root Of The Problem
The first step to fixing any problem is to acknowledge there is one. If you find yourself starting every email with ‘sorry’, question why you’re constantly doing that. If the software doesn’t work the first time, every time, dig deeper before you need to use it again. If your projects always run over budget look…
Read MoreThe Business Of Trust
Trust enables every human exchange. Our society can’t function without it. The belief we have in each other’s promises is so great that it even transcends our immediate circle in the physical world. We order books, book hotel rooms and ride in cars with strangers on the word of others who have recommended them. Trust…
Read MoreThe Secret Power Of Promises
Have you noticed that about a month out from Christmas people begin not to be able to promise you anything? “We’ll try to fit you in, but…you know how it is at this time of year. We can’t promise you anything.” Promises are the reason we trust the brands that we trust. Promises are the…
Read MorePeople Don’t Buy Features, They Buy Promises
Every day another product, tool or app comes to market. One more shortcut to this or that. Want to save lists, share something, buy, sell, store, capture, talk, listen, watch, wake up or waste time? There’s definitely a feature filled app that can help you do that. As marketers we often get bogged down in…
Read MoreKeeping Your Promises
Communicating inbox to inbox, no longer being eye to eye, makes it easier to say no. The flip side is it also makes it easier to say yes. Interacting online makes giving your word and then breaking it in just a few hundred characters a lot less complicated. Excuses trip more easily off the keyboard,…
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