Posts Tagged ‘progress’
Up To Us
Sometimes we choose to focus on those things that no amount of energy and enthusiasm can change. By doing so, we miss the opportunity to have more impact, both on our own lives and in the lives of others. All progress comes from discerning where our effort is best applied, then taking the small steps…
Read MoreLeveraging Our Mistakes
Each day we overlook some opportunity to see or to serve. We fail to challenge our assumptions and hold fast to our opinions. The result is that we sometimes miss the opportunity to do better. This feels like bad news. But it doesn’t have to be. What if instead of saying; ‘I could kick myself…
Read MoreImperceptible Growth
When our kids were young my husband and I charted their growth on a door frame. Every few months they’d stand next to the wall, and we’d mark their height with a pencil. Some months it looked like they hadn’t grown at all. Other times it seemed like they’d shot up overnight. The truth was…
Read MoreTwo Questions For Days Like These
Will we wake up in a few months and lament that we haven’t made more of this time in isolation? The direct impact of current events is largely beyond our control. And yet it affects us indirectly, often in imperceptible ways. There are many things going on in the world that we can’t influence, but…
Read MoreThe Power Of Reflective Practice
My mother can practically bake a killer apple tart in her sleep. It’s a skill she’s learned over decades of trial and error. We hone any skill by doing. We get better by practising and observing, then reflecting and iterating. The doctor perfects her bedside manner by reflecting on how a consultation went. The salesperson…
Read MoreThe One Thing
What one thing are you willing to do today in service of tomorrow?
Read MoreWhy Next?
We make more right moves when we stop to think how the next thing we’re about to take on aligns with our values, and if it’s helping us to get to where we ultimately want to go.
Read MorePlanned Progress
If you’re going to build the business you want, then you must be intentional about how you’re going to do it. There is no such thing as accidental progress.
Read MoreThe Tyranny Of Checking
There are jobs, and there is work that relies on the professionals checking. We want our surgeons, pilots and firefighters to check and double check. That isn’t the kind of checking most of us do now. It seems that we’ve unintentionally made a career out of checking. We spend many hours a day checking notifications,…
Read MoreProgress And Potential
Nobody knows who invented the button five thousand years ago. At first, buttons were simply used to adorn clothing. It wasn’t until the invention of the buttonhole three thousand years later that buttons became functional. It took us two thousand years to reimagine what the button could do. And in that moment fashion and even…
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