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Two Questions For Days Like These

Will we wake up in a few months and lament that we haven’t made more of this time in isolation?

The direct impact of current events is largely beyond our control. And yet it affects us indirectly, often in imperceptible ways. There are many things going on in the world that we can’t influence, but there is something we can do to minimise their indirect effects on our agency.

We have a choice.

We can allow time to trickle through our fingers as we refresh Twitter and binge-watch Netflix or we can do the things we’re glad to have done.

There are two questions we can ask ourselves at the end of each day.

What did I do today that I’m proud of?

What am I glad I did today?

We can mark time, without allowing this time to make its mark on us—and us on it.
Or we can try to do better each day.

Image by Edwin Hooper