Posts Tagged ‘brand story’
The Lost Art Of Storytelling
What stories will you tell today and why will they matter to the people who hear them?
Read MoreOnly Human
We need to constantly remind ourselves that we are neither all head or all heart and act accordingly.
Read MoreBelieved In
The one thing all successful ideas have in common is that they spread. But why?
Read MoreWorthy
The people you’re trying to reach and resonate with are filtering. From the contacts you try to add on LinkedIn, to the clients you’re hoping to attract. They are deciding who is worthy of their permission and their time.
Read MoreThe Value Of Discernment
The better we are at discerning who our right people are the more shared value we can create.
Read MoreExactly Who Do You Serve?
It’s easier to build the right business for the right people when you know who those people are.
Read MoreImmeasurable Success
How we keep score changes the stories we tell, the businesses we build and the societies we shape.
Read MoreDisappointment And Delight
You can find an opportunity to delight, especially when you disappoint. A mistake doesn’t always have to end in disappointment.
Read MoreIt’s Not For You
When you’re brave enough to put a stake in the ground, you will find your right people—those people who you can help.
Read MoreEffective Change
Even though nine of her children emigrated to England in the 1960s to find work, my grandmother never travelled outside Ireland. She refused to taste cucumber, even though my English aunt insisted on making cucumber sandwiches whenever she came to visit. Even after her doctor told her cigarettes were bad for her angina. Granny still…
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