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My New Book—Marketing: A Love Story

My new book is here. You can buy it now on Amazon in paperback and in Kindle.

I’ve wanted to find a way to juxtapose the concepts of marketing and love in a book for a long time. I like to think that even if you never opened the book, just owning it—seeing it on your bookshelf or in your Kindle library, will remind you that having the courage to take your ideas, products and services into the world to serve people who need them is an act of love.

You owe it to your right customers not just to be found, but to matter.
I hope this book helps you to get there.

Some parts of the book have appeared unedited on the blog and I have added new, previously unpublished bonus material to the manuscript. The book is divided into three main sections; STRATEGY, CONTEXT and STORY, which gives you a framework for thinking about how these ideas relate to your business. And everyone knows that the ideas in a book stick with you in a way a blog post never can.

My hope is that we stop thinking about marketing as a necessary evil and we start using it as a vantage point for seeing the world through the eyes of our customers and the people who need us. Once we start showing up with the right intention we can begin to make great things happen.

Thanks for allowing me to write for you and for supporting these ideas. This book would not exist without you.