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A Brand Of Magic

The chairs were out of stock. A delivery was expected some time in December, it might clear customs by January. The sales assistant described the import logistics and company policy. She detailed the 55% deposit terms on all orders placed and made sure to add her name to the written quotation the customer had not requested. The customer looked unhappy.

“We need these chairs in the next couple of weeks,” he said.
“Well you’ll just have to wait,” the assistant shot back.

The customer seemed more disappointed by her attitude than he had been about the chairs.

Of course the assistant couldn’t make the chairs appear, but she had, (and missed) the opportunity to perform another brand of magic by simply acknowledging the customer’s frustration and allowing him to tell his side of the story.

Exchanging goods and services for money is the least magical part of what we do.
The miracles people want are smaller, closer and less tangible than we think.

Image by Samantha Marx.