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There’s More Than One Way To Buy A Lemon

The middle-aged couple at the garden centre stood with furrowed brows as the sales assistant explained the difference between the varieties of lemon tree. They took a step back and almost looked alarmed when he explained how one particular variety would bear a lot of fruit, but could become tall, straggly and unmanageable. Huge smiles of relief spread across their faces when he finally led them to a tree that would give them less fruit, but only grow to about a metre tall.

There’s a difference it seems between the idea of having home-grown lemons and actually growing them.

Why go to the trouble of growing lemons at all, when fresh organic lemons sell for $15 a kilo and imported lemons from the USA cost half that? Why not just buy a bottle of lemon juice in the supermarket for $2?

It turns out that there’s more than one worldview about the value of a lemon and there’s more than one way to sell a lemon too. Your customers have already bought into the story before they set foot in the store. It pays to know which worldview you’re targeting.
Seth’s Modern Marketing Workshop on Skillshare will help you to get there.

Image by Ninian Reid.