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Valuable Things We Ignore In The Quest For Growth

One of the first words a baby learns to say is ‘more’. They learn very early on that this one word is the shortest route to getting what they want. Every three year old knows that two cupcakes are better than one.

It’s no surprise then that this lesson stays with us through life and that we take it into our businesses. We condition ourselves to believe that more followers, more leads and more customers are the key to success.

Growth doesn’t necessarily mean you are growing. If you attract the wrong customers, increase profits at the expense of staff morale, cannot deliver on your promises or create the impact that you’d hoped, are you any further ahead? So when you target growth it pays to think hard about the metric of more and consider a more holistic definition.

Could the best growth strategy for your business be to make the biggest difference to fewer people?

Image by Jessica Lucia.