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Keeping Score

Kill rivals, don’t collaborate. That’s what “fire-in-the-belly visionaries” do. The recent article in the Financial Review was reporting remarks from a speaker at their innovation summit. In his opinion, Australian businesses are too friendly. If we are to survive, we need to behave more like Amazon and Uber—”hyper-competitive, Darwinian killing machines.”

A reminder of how far astray the way we keep score has led us. Yes, our species survived because we gained physical advantages over our predecessors. But we thrived because of our ability to cooperate within our tribe. We would never have become what we are today if we hadn’t built camps and begun living and collaborating in clans. We evolved as a species to both survive and belong. We succeed when we strive to become better and look out for each other—when we find purpose and meaning without always keeping score.

What kind of world do you want to wake up in tomorrow? Because that’s the world, you’ll create with the intention you set today. You can obsess over your competition or focus on creating the future you want to see.

Image by Zona