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The Difference Between A Good Idea And A Great Idea Is Just One Thing

Actually, the difference between a good and a great anything, (business, movie, hotel, product, blog, book, packaging, design, app, talk, school, song, art…..keep going), is that the great stuff, the things we give a damn about have the heart left in them.

Heart the verb, not the hollow muscular organ that pumps blood around your body. The empathy and emotion. The feeling and yes, vulnerability. Yours, not the marketing department’s.

Good products work. Great products become part of our story.

A good speaker leaves us with food for thought. A great speaker leaves his heart on the podium.

Good marketing tells the story. Great marketing is the story.

We don’t notice or respond to greatness, most of the time we can’t even explain it.
We simply feel it. We just know.
And that’s what makes it matter.

Image by Tomasz Kulbowski.