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What’s Your Plan For The Other 364 Days?

It’s interesting to watch businesses of all stripes trying to attach a layer of Mother’s Day meaning to their brands. I’m not sure how you surprise your Mum with running shoes from the “40% off women’s sports shoe sale”. Finding a way to jump on the bandwagon of the day doesn’t take a lot of imagination. Colour signs pink, add some flowers and hey presto you’re done. For today anyway.

Thinking like everyone else is thinking and doing what everyone else is doing isn’t difficult. It’s not a smart long-term business strategy either. What’s your plan for the other 364 days of the year?

Are you going to be the business that matters, the one that people choose with intention and not out of necessity or holiday desperation?

Yes, there’s always another holiday season or celebration around the corner. But I think you’ll find it’s far more valuable to put your back into building something that changes how people feel every day of the year.

Image by Joe Shlabotnik.