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What’s Wrong With Business Communication And How To Fix It

Business has got a problem. It’s pervasive, eats away at human connection and strips meaning from our interactions. While trying to be professional and sound more knowledgeable we’re sanitising and jargonising our conversations. This is killing our ability to communicate.
So how do we transition from meaningless communication to creating meaningful impact?

If you ever find yourself typing a word you wouldn’t use when you’re talking to your mum.
Delete it.

When you hear words that would make your kids stare at you incredulously falling from your lips.
Stop using them.

If you start saying “apologies” instead of just being “sorry”.
Think hard about the person at the other end of that conversation.

When your words make you sound like you don’t really mean what they are saying.
Then don’t say them.

Your customers want to communicate with the real you. Your colleagues want to truly understand who you are.
Why not let them?

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