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What’s The Best Way?

When I was a new mum thinking about ‘the best way’ to raise my son to do the things that babies of his age were supposed to do, occupied a fair amount of my time. I worried about the best way to settle him to sleep and the best way to wean him. I graduated to caring about the best way to potty train him and the best way to teach him how to hold a pencil. There was no shortage of opinions about the best way to do all of these things then and now.

And so it goes for the work that we do. We try hard to mitigate against making a mistake. We want to find the best way to generate ideas, market our products and connect with our customers, because we care about getting it right. But if you waited until you were sure you had the best way—the obvious solution, you’d never make a start. The best way to do anything is to begin, then to adjust your course based on what happens next.

The worst way is do nothing.

Image by Josh Kesner.