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What For What

I gave, now it’s your turn.

Quid pro quo.

Now we’re even.

That’s how business is supposed to work.

Exchanges of like for like.

A trade.

Transfer of ownership.

Profit and loss.

Transactions that can be measured.

There’s no room for generosity in business.

Unless it’s your business.

Because that’s how you’ve designed it and that is who you are.

This doesn’t mean you give away the farm or work for coffee.

It means you practice wholeheartedness.

You work with integrity from a place of intention.

Stand up for what you believe in.

Make sure that every interaction is one that you are proud of.

Walk in your client’s shoes.

Because you can.

And because you recognise that doing business doesn’t mean you have to live by a what for what ideology.

Image by Amy Lloyd.