Planned Progress

If you’re going to build the business you want, then you must be intentional about how you’re going to do it. There is no such thing as accidental progress.

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How Much Runway Do You Need?

An aircraft must reach sufficient speed to take off. The pilot needs enough runway to achieve that optimum speed. The same is true of our projects and ideas. Velocity alone is not enough to make an idea fly. Ideas also need time. We often focus our energy on gathering speed and creating momentum, while forgetting…

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Everything Starts With Something

When we’re starting a project or working towards a business development goal we typically have a laundry list of everything we want to do. From developing a new product to filing our tax returns, it’s in our nature to want to make immediate and visible progress all at once. That desire to do everything often…

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Doing Is Underrated

The customer you could follow up with. The survey waiting to be sent. The product you could trial. The colleague yet to be contacted. The copy you could test. The important observation you might take action on. Each one is an opportunity to learn something that could change everything. The GoPro started as a camera…

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