Posts Tagged ‘mission’
How To Hit Your Target
When an archer aims she doesn’t keep her eye on the target. She knows the target is there, but she sees it vaguely, or sometimes not at all. The point of aim is always closer than the target. Hitting the target is determined by how she aims, not by the fact that she’s shooting for…
Read MoreWhy Not Go First?
An article about successful disruptive businesses like Warby Parker or Square spreads like wildfire through social media channels and whole libraries could be filled with stories about what makes Apple unique. It’s natural to want to learn from the successes of others and to wonder how we can borrow a bit of their magic. Following…
Read MoreLife After Launch Day—Introducing The One Page Marketing Plan
It’s not hard to remember the lead up to the birth of your first child. Forty weeks of sheer focus on everything from what cheese to eat—or not to eat, to a birth plan that read like a military operation. I always found it odd that there was a ten-point plan for every eventuality during…
Read MoreHow To Write Your Mission Statement And 20 Great Mission Statements To Inspire You
Have you ever noticed how we tie ourselves up in knots and overcomplicate things when we put our business hats on? Your mission statement doesn’t need to be long and complex, it’s simply a promise—your statement of intention. A mission statement needs to clarify the answers to the following two questions: What do you do?…
Read MoreThinking About Marketing As A Strategy For Growth Not Just Sales
Mostly we market to sell more. The restaurant owner who tells his staff to remember to ‘push drinks and bottled water’ is marketing for increased sales today. The alternative is to be the marketer who bakes growth into his business by delighting customers, giving them a story they want to tell (and a way to…
Read MoreSignificance Could Be Your Competitive Advantage
You’re late for an appointment and in your rush to get out the door you forget to put everything into your bag. QUESTION Which would you rather FORGET to bring with you, your wallet or your phone? 2006 ANSWER PHONE. 2014 ANSWER WALLET. A competitive advantage isn’t always as tangible as the patents you file,…
Read MoreHow Apple Succeeded, While Others Failed
When Apple designed their first store, they made sure that over half of it was dedicated to what they called, ‘solutions’. The store wasn’t stacked ceiling to floor with inventory, instead it was a wall-to-wall space of discovery. While most retailers were showing people what they had in stock, Apple was showing people what their…
Read MoreDo It Like You Mean It
I’m not sure if it was the fact that she was reading a hardback book that made me notice the woman at the back of the cafe. When was the last time you saw someone reading a hardback book? When I asked her what she was reading, she flipped it over. Self help—2014 was going…
Read MorePrice Is A Story We Tell Ourselves
I’m worth it. It might be gone tomorrow. You could make it at home for half that. This is a one off. People pay for intangible value all the time. Consider Uber, “the app that connects you with a driver at the tap of a button” on your smartphone. If you simply need to get…
Read MoreThe Biggest Problem Facing Entrepreneurs…
…is love. People with great ideas (and average ones too) are in love with the idea itself. Because we’re human, we become irrationally seduced by the potential of our own solutions. This blinds us to what matters most, to the thing that gives the idea the best chance to fly. Being in love with the…
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