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Getting The Story Formula Right
filed in Storytelling, Strategy
I often get emails asking about the right and the wrong way to tell a brand story. Questions like:
How long should the story be?
Should we start this way or that?
What’s the best medium to use?
The more important point to consider is not the length of the story or where to begin but how well the story connects with the audience. A good story resonates so well with the intended audience that it changes how they feel and moves them to act.
6 Questions To Ask Before Begining To Tell Your Brand Story
1. Why are we sharing this story?
2. Who is this story for?
3. What does our intended audience care about?
4. How can we meet our audience where they are?
5. What will our story invite them to believe in or do next?
6. How will we know if our storytelling has succeeded?
The best brand stories begin with the end in mind.
Image by Aaron Guy Leroux.