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Questions To Ask Before Launching An Idea
It’s not that hard to get really enthusiastic about your own great idea for a business, product, service or movement. But how do you work out if other people will be excited enough about it to spread the idea and buy what you’re selling?
Launching something new might mean that you don’t have all the answers, perhaps though you could start by asking yourself some simple questions?
1. How is this idea different and better than what already exists?
2. What shortcut does it offer? A miracle, pleasure, money, fun, safety, social success or something else?
3. What does one person say to another when they recommend it?
4. Does it appeal to logic or to the senses?
5. Who is it aimed at?
6. Why will people want this thing, book, website or service?
7. Can I tell a story that nobody else can tell?
9. Will this change how people feel about what already exists?
10. Will it make someone laugh? Will it make them cry?
11. Can it be implemented on a tiny scale for little or no money?
12. How will I know when it’s working? What’s my metric for success?
Even if you don’t have all the answers you can still ask yourself the right questions?
Image by Simon Elgood.