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How To Make An Idea Worth Spreading

“The only people in the world who can change things are those who can sell ideas.” – Lois Wyse

Your new product, the non-profit you want to get off the ground, a life changing coaching program or that innovative design are worth spreading not because you say so but because other people believe they are too. The thing is you will never convince people to buy into your idea unless you believe in it too.

Do you really believe in the value and power of your own idea? Do you want to solve people’s problems, provide answers, suggest solutions and deliver some good old fashioned joy?

Do you believe that anyone (including you) not just the gurus, billionaire entrepreneurs or thought leaders at TED has the power to change something with an idea?

Can you communicate it to your audience with such conviction and passion (like Nigel Marsh did), that you make it and idea worth doing?

“I have always lived my life by thriving on opportunity and adventure. Some of the best ideas come out of the blue, and you have to keep an open mind to see their virtue.” Richard Branson

What couldn’t you do if you believed in your ideas as much as Richard Branson believes in his?

Image by Frederic Poirot.