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How Does Your Business Sound?
filed in Brand Naming, Strategy
“To handle a language skillfully is to practice a kind of evocative sorcery.” Charles Baudelaire
Have you ever thought about what makes a good brand name? Is your business name evocative or interesting, fun or maybe just a bit boring?
Some of the best brand names evoke emotions and memories, eliciting feelings within us. The interesting ones make us curious. Fun, irreverent names make us smile, drawing us closer and even boring brand names have their place as long as they align with the brand story.
So what does evocative, interesting, fun and boring sound like?
Any of the product names from 37 signals. Campfire, Basecamp and Backpack.
Believe in, design and Branding agency. Innocent, juices. Upon A Fold, all things origami.
Some of my creations Tomorrow is, lifestyle design. Haven Lane, interior design for aged care.
Orange Boot Bakery. Mashable. Flickr. Twitter. Google.
Virgin. Tik Tok. Nudie. Art Does Good. Really Savvy, responsible tourism consultancy.
Toy World. Don’s Art Supplies. Jim’s Mowing. British Medical Journal.
What does your brand name sound like?
How does your business name make people feel?
Does your idea sound boring?
Will that product name make people stop and take notice?
Is the name aligned with your vision and values?
Is it the best it could be?
Could you make it better?
How does your business sound?
Image by Suzan Almond