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No Business Is In A Market Of One

When dance partners compete they know the other couples are there on the dance floor with them, but they never focus on what the competition is doing. Instead they relentlessly hone each move and perform it for the audience as if it were their only chance to dance the dance. They don’t allow the fact that they are competing to stop them dancing.

It’s our competition’s job to compete and yet we’re often surprised when they do. We complain when ideas are stolen or replicated. We spend at least as much time looking over our shoulder at the competition as we do on practicing our steps in readiness for the performance.

What would the world look like if you focused on doing the work as if today was the last time you would get to do it?

You can allow the noise from the competition to fade into the background. You can chose to act as if you were the market of one for the people you want to serve.

Image by Wigwam Jones.