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What’s The Endgame?

As anyone who has ever played chess will tell a beginner, every move must have a purpose.
You don’t move a piece unless you have a reason for doing so, or before you understand what the next move is likely to be, and the one after that (depending on how your opponent responds).
One single great move in isolation is not enough to keep you in the game.

And yet as business owners and leaders we make reactive moves all the time, often without linking those moves to our endgame.

Why exactly are you planning to expand your reach?
What’s the purpose of those scheduled tweets?
Why have you chosen to launch this product now?
If that works, where to next and why?

Everything you’ve done at your desk today and are going to do tomorrow, is a move with and end in mind—or it should be. Where are you hoping those moves you’re making will take you?

Image by Denis.