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What Kills Big Companies?

For over a century Kodak knew that what was important to its customers was “Kodak moments” not their innovation and patents, (well their marketers did anyway). And yet they failed to translate that knowing into staying relevant to their customers.

“Sales + Customers = Nothing Broken is the formula for corporate cyanide.
Most big companies that die kill themselves drinking it.”
—Kevin Ashton

Most little companies too.
They falter not because they don’t do what they do well, but because they don’t understand why that matters to their customers. And by knowing that one thing they discover what might matter more, or how they could do things better.

So here’s the question only you can answer.

Our customers come to us because……
And on and on.

It’s your job to keep giving them a reason to come back.

Image by Geir Halvorsen.