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Two Simple Questions Most Content Marketers Forget To Ask

For fifty years marketing was all about pushing. We used advertising to get us closer to our end goal—which was more sales. Today marketing is more about drawing people closer. We use content (amongst other things) to help us build relationships with potential customers. And yet sometimes we forget that we’re no longer marketing like it’s 1969.

The goal for content marketing cannot always be to get people to buy more today, but every piece of content should still have a purpose.

Two questions to ask before you write you next blog post

….add a photo to your Instagram feed, update to your Facebook page, record your latest podcast or shoot that new YouTube video.

1. How do I want my reader/listener/follower to feel?

2. What do I want her to do next?

When you care enough to make every piece of content valuable, people will know.

Image by Grimme.