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Three True Stories

To all of Arthur’s family,

We were so sorry that everything ended up so badly for you all last week.
It is so difficult when owners are prepared to do anything to cure their pet’s problem and it’s still not possible. Thank you for allowing us to try.
He was part of your lives for a short time but it’s amazing how quickly they become part of the family. You are sure to be missing him terribly, we can only hope that each day gets a little bit easier.

Damian, Paul, Joanna, Rob, Nicole, Jane, Jo, Kris, Amy and all at the vets.


To the Ryan family,

Just a short note to express our deepest sympathy over your loss of Wilbur. It takes a pretty amazing dog to make it to 19. I think his attitude and tenacity helped him to get there. We hope you have lots of happy memories of Wilbur, as part of your family he will be deeply missed.

Yours Sincerely
Kristen, Garry, Edgar and everyone at the vets.


One of my dear friends was diagnosed with cancer last week. She had a five biopsies taken on Friday and was sent home to wait until Tuesday or Wednesday. Her husband and three sons held their breath for four days.

Tuesday came and went. Nobody called. It’s okay that they didn’t have the results. It’s not okay that they didn’t care enough to make time to call and say, “No news yet. Are you okay? Hang in there.”

Each of us has the opportunity to touch someone every single day. To really see people. To add meaning. To care. I’m not sure we do it often enough.

You might not be able to change the outcome, but you can change how people feel in a heartbeat.

Image by B.