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Return On Relevance

Have you noticed how you react lately to unsolicited email or a cold call? Our interruption tolerance threshold is decreasing at a rapid rate and businesses and advertisers know it.
In Australia we even have a do not knock register. Are people demanding one where you live?

The people you want to speak to decide what’s relevant to them. Of course it’s been obvious for a long time that the Internet, remote controls and mobile devices have caused an attention shift. But what’s happening now goes beyond finding new and different ways to capture attention. People will no longer stand for being targeted. It’s no good saying print more fliers or put out another ad campaign, because you might as well be whistling into the wind without meaning or context.

There is no shortcut to creating things people want to talk about, or to building customer relationships that endure. No easy way to reach everyone. But there are better and more rewarding ways to engage with the people who want to hear from you.

Don’t just work out how to wave your arms at the masses. Build something just for the people who matter. Relevance is the new remarkable.

Image By Aaron Webb.