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How To Get The Results You Want

In work, as in life we create a sense of balance by understanding what we want and what we don’t.
We prioritize by wanting less of one thing and more of something else.

Less overwhelm and more progress. Fewer things to react to and more results.
Less busyness and more time. Fewer restrictions and more choices.

The irony is that we spend a lot our time on things that won’t get us to where we want to go.
We often prioritize the things we say we don’t want to keep doing.

The trick to getting the results you want is to align your actions with the results you want.
Take time to understand where you want to go.
Create the ‘must do’ list that’s going to get you there.
Do more of what’s on the list and less of what’s not.

The last step is a choice that we each have the power to make.

Image by Benjamin Horn.