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The Number One Way To Create Value In Any Marketplace

In an era when we can push a button on our phones to summon a driver, why is shopping for a television still a nightmare? I doubt that there is a single person in the history of the universe who has enjoyed shopping for a TV.

That row upon row of yellow stickered, feature described sameness. Then just when you’re semi-sure that the one third from the end has the best picture quality, the salesperson arrives with some facts that confuse you.

It turns out that when we design our stores and our businesses to confuse people, we probably do. Unintentionally making people feel helpless is the world’s worst marketing strategy.

When was the last time you stood in your customer’s shoes?
Have you taken a tour of your own website recently? Tried to open your packaging?
Called your customer support at the weekend? Or walked through your store on a busy Friday?

If you’re ever in doubt about how to create value, simply work out how to make your customers feel good.
Then do that.

Image by Jerry Lewis.