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Why I’m Doing This. Questioning What’s Important

It’s rumoured that Tumblr founder David Karp will get $250 million from the deal his company signed with Yahoo earlier this week. Do you think that’s what really matters to him?

Was this the prize he had his eye on six years ago when he started? Could money have been the answer that was top of his “Why I’m doing this” list back then? Would his answers be the same today?

I’d like to think that what mattered to David when he had everything, (but the money) is how his work changed what one person was able to do the next day. If it did then he still has that today and the money doesn’t even matter.

Now it’s your turn. Write the question. Underline it. Think hard. Write your list.


Are the answers the same as the ones you would write if your ship came in?

Image by Katie Johnson.