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The Truth About You

Labels are for filing. Labels are for clothing.
Labels are not for people.
~ Martina Navratilova

If there’s one question you can guarantee to be asked within the first five minutes of meeting someone it’s, “so… what do you do?” We all know it’s coming so why are we so ill prepared for it?

During the years I chose to be a stay at home Mum I loathed this question. There was no way that one sentence could define everything it meant to be a mother. Announcing that you are a writer, business coach, graphic designer or CEO doesn’t cut it either.

You are way more compelling than your job description.

The reason you choose a particular role says nothing about what you uniquely bring to the world. So my question is, why are you hiding the best of you?

You and I both know that the official line can’t hold a candle to the unspoken reality, and I promise you, if you tell the real story your results will be different too. What’s keeping you grounded in the generic and stopping you sharing more of the truth?

Work on peeling away some of those generalisations, kiss goodbye to your generic bio and shine a light on what you really do and why you do it.

Over to you and your bios in the comments.

Image by Sheeshoo.