Influence Vs. Impact

In a world where attention has become both currency and commodity, it’s tempting to believe there’s a direct correlation between influence and impact. The modern definition of an influencer is someone who can persuade people with their recommendations. But it turns out, the people who have the greatest impact are not necessarily the people with…

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Are You Ready To Find Your Voice?

Eleven years ago, as I was pivoting my business, I began reading a new book. I was barely two paragraphs in when the following sentence stopped me in my tracks. ‘Either you’re going to tell stories that spread, or you will become irrelevant.’ Those words, written by my friend and colleague, Seth Godin, over a…

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The Myth Of The Gifted Storyteller

Over and over again, we’ve heard people like Steve Jobs described as ‘a gifted storyteller’. We’ve come to believe that storytelling is an art reserved for the chosen few—that great storytellers are born, not made. How can that possibly be true? What all great storytellers have in common is more than a talent for storytelling.…

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Say It Like You Mean It

Empathy is an essential skill for anyone who wants to make a living by serving others. A big part of our job is to show those people that we see, hear and can help them. But there’s a fine line between fake intimacy and genuine sincerity in a sales conversation. We’ve all been subjected to…

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The Best Stories Are Lived

It’s Sunday afternoon, and I’m visiting the smallest branch of my favourite chocolate shop. It’s a fourth-generation, family-owned and operated business, and it shows. The enthusiasm of the assistants is palpable. ‘I’ve never worked for a company like this,’ the woman behind the counter says. ‘I’ve been here for five years, and I love it!’…

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Why Should They Care?

The ‘For Lease’ sign attached to the first-floor window of the shopfront is one of half a dozen along Gertrude Street. And the sales copy on each of them does nothing to differentiate one premises from the other. The signs give us dimensions, details about the facilities and ‘good natural light’. They don’t for a…

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Mass Awareness Vs. Minority Affinity

The ‘golden arches’ glow at me in the distance as I set out for the gym before sunrise. It’s impossible to miss the 24-hour McDonald’s at the junction no matter which direction you travel. The ‘golden arches’ don’t distinguish the right potential customer from the wrong one. And that’s the point. McDonald’s strategy is to…

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Why This? Why You? Why Now?

Why This? Why You? Why Now? Three simple questions we are often reluctant to answer. When you sit with the discomfort of reflecting on them before you embark on a project, you’ll be clearer about what the world needs from you and why. You’ll also have the beginnings of the story your audience wants to…

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