How To Tell A Good Business Story

Start with the truth. Identify the worldview of the people you need to reach. Describe the truth through their worldview. ~ Seth Godin What picture are you painting of your business? Are you trying too hard to sound more professional, bigger, slick, more polished than the competition? Is your story riddled with jargon instead of…

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If : A Love Note To Entrepreneurs

If you’re doing your best work. If you touched one person. If it makes a difference to a handful. If you’re building a legacy, not just an empire. If your values are front and centre. If you’re launching ideas from the heart. If you understand why you’re doing this. If it doesn’t have to matter…

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Why Learning To Say No Matters

When you started out you were so glad to get email enquiries, calls and visitors. Getting people through the door, even a virtual one was the best feeling! Someone was interested in what you were doing. Your idea wasn’t going to flop, your services were needed and more importantly wanted. You weren’t going to fail…

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The One Thing To Remember About Website Traffic

It wasn’t going to be cheap, but Anna figured that she’d outsource all of her online marketing to a company who knew what they were doing. She’d spent the past two years working really hard to build her service business offline, and was hugely successful at converting customers face to face. Now in a phase…

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The Idea Validation Roller Coaster

“There’s a difference between achieving your goals and realising your work matters.” Seth Godin Yesterday was a good day! You logged on first thing and found you’d sold a dozen eBooks overnight. You had five email queries about your latest online program and ten enrollments…..not bad. Your blog post got eighty retweets and your designer…

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How Does Your Business Sound?

“To handle a language skillfully is to practice a kind of evocative sorcery.” Charles Baudelaire Have you ever thought about what makes a good brand name? Is your business name evocative or interesting, fun or maybe just a bit boring? Some of the best brand names evoke emotions and memories, eliciting feelings within us. The…

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