How To Get To Do The Things You Want To Do

The best way, the only way in fact, to get from where you are to where you want to be is to begin. You get to do what you want to do by doing it. Maybe not all day every day at first, but it’s easier than ever now to start. Decide what you want…

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Thinking About How People Feel Vs Making People Do

Every one of us is a marketer. We spend our days persuading people to do what we want them to do. “Buy now.” “Click here.” “Please retweet.” “Only 5 4 left.” “Don’t drink and drive.” “Eat your greens and you’ll grow big and strong.” My friend Mark and his wife Cindy own and run a…

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Keeping Your Promises

Communicating inbox to inbox, no longer being eye to eye, makes it easier to say no. The flip side is it also makes it easier to say yes. Interacting online makes giving your word and then breaking it in just a few hundred characters a lot less complicated. Excuses trip more easily off the keyboard,…

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