Posts Tagged ‘decide’
Freedom Is Something You Make
When I was growing up (and maybe when you were too), there were two ways you could earn a living. You could have a job, or have a business. Two clear choices, work for a boss, or be the boss. Career guidance advice went something like this… “Get good grades, to get a qualification, to…
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Making things happen is about making a choice. The question you need to ask is “What do I want more?” This or that? Another slice of cake or smaller hips? More time on Facebook or focus and increased productivity? One more mind map in your notebook or something for all the world to see. The…
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She spotted the black dress just as she was about to give up. It was perfect. She imagined how it would cling in all the right places at the party on Friday night. And how she would feel when he spotted her across the crowded room. The reason you buy the dress isn’t the same…
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