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Doing Legacy Work

Legacy work is intentional. Legacy work is what made you get just three hours sleep last night. Legacy work is risky and doesn’t come with cast iron guarantees. Legacy work is the thing that will have meaning when you’re gone. Legacy work has no respect for time or circumstance.

Legacy work shoves ego aside; it is, by definition, something that is not for you. Legacy work comes from a place of abundance, not scarcity. Legacy work catalyses ten, twenty, or a thousand other legacies. Maybe even a million, or perhaps just one.

Legacy work creates a billion distant ripples you will never even know about. Legacy work involves softly closing countless doors, in order to allow the right ones to swing wide open.

Legacy work is what you are here to do, and you know it.

Legacy work is a choice. That knowledge, those choices, that weren’t open to your mother just half a century ago scare the living daylights out of you.

If you choose to do the things that truly scare you today, chances are you are building your legacy.

Image by Storm Crypt.