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Get the Free 20 questions to Ask Before Launching Your Idea workbook when you sign up for occasional updates.

20 Questions To Answer Before Asking How Much Money Can I Make?

1. Why do I want to do this?

2. What do I care about?

3. What brings me joy?

4. What am I good at?

5. What’s scarce?

6. What problem can I solve?

7. Who needs me?

8. How can I make a difference?

9. How can I deliver value?

10.What can I change?

11.How can I make meaning?

12.What do other people care about?

13.How can I start small for next to nothing?

14.Who are my heroes and what would they do?

15.Who would I kill to work with?

16.Who exactly am I going to serve?

17.How can I get from where I am to where I want to be?

18.What’s stopping me?

19.What’s my definition of success.

20.What will be my legacy?

Find the answers to these questions and the money will come.

Image by Brian Mensching.