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Fear, Procrastination And Getting Runs On The Board

I recently met with a super-smart friend who has an important idea to share with the world, she had three questions about how best to get that idea out there.
I had three answers that might help you to get your ideas out there too.

Q. What’s the best process for doing xyz?

A. The process doesn’t matter as much as having something to say that someone is ready to hear.
Perhaps the process is a simple as just saying or doing it?

Q. Why will anyone listen to me—I don’t have a title, PhD or runs on the board like other people (not true), and so on?

A. You don’t get runs on the board without trying to make the runs. You have a unique worldview that’s going to help people. They can’t hear if you don’t give them something to listen to.

Q. Are both of these questions fear talking? (told you she was smart).

A. Yes!

And two bonuses….

The best piece of advice EVER to kick procrastination into touch.

Lastly…..how is keeping everyone else’s score helping you to make your idea matter?

Image by ibmphoto.