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When Will You Draw The Line?

When my mother left school aged just 14 she was sent to the Royal Candy sweet factory, to dip caramel by hand into big vats of icing, (pink or white). On the evening of her first day she told her widowed mother (who was raising 11 children single-handed), that she hated it and she wasn’t going back. She pleaded to be allowed to take up sewing, something she loved and was good at. But sewing didn’t pay so well. And four years later, when she turned 18 she was still dipping caramel at Royal Candy.

Years later everything changed.

But most people didn’t. They stayed inside the lines of the factories and gave the gatekeepers permission to write their stories and map out their destinies.

Today the Internet allows you to shape your own journey. And the only permission you need to tell a story that matters is your own.

“It’s important that we all take a breath, look down and realize that the clay is in our hands.
We can make it what we want. Not just the work,
but our future”
– Andrew Keller

What’s stopping you drawing your own lines?

Image by Whole Wheat Toast.